
Showing posts from May, 2021
  This is the first in a series about the different letters of the word Organic and what they represent.  Words are very important and I think that the word Organic in Organic Farming reveals a lot more than other words that refer to Organic Farming, such as Biological Farming commonly used in Europe, or agroecology increasing used as a synonym for Organic Farming. The letter O represents the important idea of the Organism which holds important meanings for Organic Farming. The first is the link to Organic Chemistry.  Before the 19th century, the theory of vitalism prevailed which held that there was a fundamental difference between inorganic and organic chemicals: the origin of organic chemicals in the organs of living organisms which imbued organic chemicals with a divine quality.  It was believed to be impossible for mere humans to synthesize organic chemicals.  There is some dispute about the turning point that shattered this belief, but most Organic Chemistry textbooks, including