
Showing posts from July, 2021

The benefits of "ley farming"

  Two papers demonstrate the benefits of "ley farming" as commonly used in temperate climate organic farming and the negative effects of continuous cropping and synthetic nitrogen on both soil nitrogen and soil organic carbon. This also serves as a reminder about how slow the process of building up soil carbon is, in this case, the ley system took 35 years to increase the SOC from 1.6% to 2.1%. That is 0.5 percentage points over 35 years, or 0.014 of a percentage point per year, which is an annual increase of about 0.9% per year on the original 1.6%. The Paris COP21 initiative, 4 per mille, seeks to increase soil carbon stocks by 0.4% per year /. Other points to consider are the methane emissions of livestock needed to produce human food from the 3 years of ley and the external environmental costs of fertilisers. Mulvaney, R. L., S. A. Khan, and T. R. Ellsworth. ‘Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizers Deplete Soil Nitrogen: A Global Dilemma for Sustainable Cer