
Showing posts from September, 2021

Kevin Volans - White Man Sleeps (for two African-tuned harpsichords, vio...

"The title ‘White Man Sleeps’ comes from a moment in nyanga panpipe music where the performers leave off playing their loud pipes for a few cycles and dance only to the sound of their ankle rattles, to let the white landowner sleep – for a minute or two." ‘String Quartet No 1 “White Man Sleeps” | Kevin Volans’. Accessed 20 September 2021. . The Journal of Music. ‘Wild Air: The Music of Kevin Volans’. Accessed 20 September 2021. .

Soya - Feed, Food or Byproduct?

Soya - Feed, Food or Byproduct? When one considers Soya and other grains fed to animals that become human food, it is necessary to consider the degree to which animal feed is actually a byproduct or whether it is grown specifically to feed animals.  These graphs from the international grains council clearly show that of total grains grown worldwide the vast majority goes directly to animal feed, almost 50%. The situation varies between countries.  In the US just as much goes to industrial use as to animal feed with grain for food a fraction of these tonnages, while in India the bulk goes to food with very little being fed to animals or used industrially. Soya presents a more complex picture.  Very little soya is used directly as food or feed.  Soya milk is made directly from soya beans but almost all soya goes to be crushed, a process that separates oil from high protein expeller or meal (46.5% protein).  The crushing process yields about 18% oil and 80% meal.  The latter goes to anima